Originally published by on 07.23.24 as an X-Article.
Dear Joe Biden,
I want to thank you for 50+ years of continued service to this beautiful country. Since the day you first took your initial oath you worked diligently to achieve only one thing which was to become President. In 2020 that happened, though it is through means that until a certain billionaire purchased this app we were not allowed to talk about. Here at the end of your career I am amazed that people still see you as a shining beacon of hope in a country you actively worked to destroy. Know that you not only became President through nefarious means but as a result you will go down in history as the worst President of all time...until....
Dear Kamala,
I want to thank you for picking a new nationality to represent each day in which ever way will be most advantageous to you on that particular day. Your career began as nothing more than arm candy for politicians and you have shown that you can ascend to the highest levels of government as long as you excel in a particular skill. Your career speaks for itself. A record high conviction rate (because you dismissed any case you were in danger of losing), you kept innocent people behind bars for cheap labor (a callback to your family history of owning slaves I am sure), you attempted to prevent an innocent man from gaining his freedom as he sat on Death Row because you didn't want to release evidence that would exonerate him, you listened to Tupac in the 80's (that's weird), and gloated about smoking marijuana as you laughed about locking people up for the same.
I can say with utmost confidence that no matter what you have done in life, the one thing you have been consistent in is sucking. You may be given the reins to lead this country but your history speaks for itself and if that happens you will become the worst president in history followed closely by your immediate predecessor.
Dear Democrats,
Thank you for fighting so hard for the better part of a decade to convince people that Donald Trump was an existential threat to democracy. A democracy that doesn't actually exist since we are a constitutional republic but we do uphold the democratic process of voting for our elected officials. A process that just this weekend you showed you have a deep contempt for when you threw the term democracy out the window and committed a coup in order to prop up your preferred elected official as you ousted another. Thank you for exposing yourselves as the evil party we know you to be, yet few are willing to talk about it.
Thank you for thinking you were invincible across all levels of government as you attempted to have the leading candidate for the opposing party assassinated and with each passing day try to withhold vital evidence regarding that event. Thank you for your hubris thinking we were not capable of reaching people and exposing the truth.
Thank you for the best thing you could have ever given someone like me. Someone who has spent the last decade of his life pushing back against the narratives you push, the violence you promote, the hostility you harbor for us, and the pandering you utilize for votes. What you have done in the last 72 hours I never dreamed would have happened and now I will utilize this to wake people up.
Thank you for a gift that I never expected to receive. The chance to wake up the people of Oakland-Alameda, CA where I was born. The chance to unify the people of Midwest City, Oklahoma where I went to elementary through High School. The chance to show the people of Edmond and the rich that live there a better path forward. The chance to re-establish why I loved serving in the first place standing side by side with my brothers and sisters in arms as we faced each challenge ahead of us in Iraq.
The chance to wake up the black community to your lies. The chance to return this once great nation to the period where we were prospering together. Thank you for reminding me why you hated the 1990's. We were so unified then and after 2001 an event tore apart the fabric of American society and culture and your actions have presented us a chance to unify again.
Thank you for motivating me to Make America Great Again.
Dear Democrats....
Thank you
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