If You Never Thought You'd be Jealous of a Janitor, Then You Don't Know Juan Zarate
Whether as a "Watch Dog" with oversight of Counterterror activities, or "cleaning" the gilded halls of the Vatican, he puts the deep in "deep state" and learned from the Bush's how to "clean up."
Meet Juan Carlos Zarate: a former DOJ prosecutor turned counterterrorism czar for the deep state, who left to become a senior consultant and board bunny with dubious business associates.
Zarate is originally a Santa Ana, California boy who worked as a federal law clerk for Chief Judge Judith Keep in the Southern District of California. He graduated from Harvard Law in 1997. That same year, Zarate became a DOJ prosecutor, where he worked on al-Qaeda cases like the ‘98 US Embassy bombings and the USS Cole investigation.
In 2001, the Bush administration offered Zarate a job in the Treasury Department, where he would manage their international enforcement work. Just a few weeks into things, 9/11 happened. Suddenly, the Treasury had a new mandate: drive a campaign against al-Qaeda-financed terrorism. Zarate became an important part of their leadership team, developing and overseeing the effective implementation of their counterterrorism strategy.
By 2003, thanks to the creation of the DHS, most of the Treasury’s enforcement functions had been gutted. Zarate’s duties shifted to economic sanctions and asset forfeiture, thus beginning the Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in 2004.
For a year, he worked as the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes. There Zarate led the Treasury’s domestic and international efforts to attack terrorist funding, built anti-money laundering systems, and expanded the use of Treasury powers to advance the deep state’s security interests. For example, Zarate led their global efforts to hunt down Saddam Hussein’s assets, resulting in the return of over $3 billion of Iraqi assets from the U.S. and around the world.
Zarate moved on to become the Deputy National Security Advisor from 2005 to 2009. He led the U.S. federal government’s counterterrorism community from the White House’s National Security Council (NSC) as Bush’s counterterrorism secretary. At one point, Zarate was the Deputy Assistant to the President.
After Bush left office, Zarate went off to the private sector like a busy, busy bee. He capitalized on his public sector “experience” and connections, which enabled him to become a senior advisor to a number of large firms including a bevy of board seats. Ah, the “perks” of public sector experience.
He began working as a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a globalist thinktank based in D.C., and a senior national security consultant and analyst for CBS News.
In 2014, he was appointed to the board that oversees the Vatican's Institute for the Works of Religion. This move was part of Pope Francis I's efforts to clean up the Vatican’s finances. The Vatican’s history of financial misdeeds and malfeasance triggered this.
From 2015, Zarate sat on the advisory board for the nonprofit America Abroad Media, a DC media organization. He is also a co-founder and chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracy's Center on Economic and Financial Power.
So, what is our favorite Janitor doing right now?
Beginning in early 2024, Zarate has served on the National Endowment for Democracy board of directors, a globalist NGO that’s super pro-democracy. He is a global co-managing partner and CSO at K2 Integrity, a financial security advisory firm and has advised Coinbase, the famous crypto exchange currently under fire by the SEC for allegations of “operating an unregistered national securities exchange, brokerage and clearing agency”. Makes one wonder if Zarate had a hand in dropping this ball, frankly.
Zarate is the co-founder and chair of Consilient, a fintech company and a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet ANOTHER globalist thinktank. He’s even sat on the board of Boston Dynamics, the cool and creepy robotics company poised to create the first Terminator.
Researcher and America Mission’s very own, Dante, dug up some dirt on Zarate’s business affairs.
Turns out that he’s affiliated with ePlata, a FinTech platform started by some of Hunter Biden’s business associates like Jonathan Li and Vuk Jeremic.
Dante also found that Zarate’s former Vatican bosses, Rene Brulhart and Tommaso Di Ruzza, were found guilty in a fraud trial at the Vatican Tribunal. They got off with slaps on the wrists in the form of fines. That’s not to suggest that Zarate is engaged in comparable inappropriate behavior, but if his bosses were crooks, and his business partners are crooks, then Zarate should use his skills and expertise to better avoid people like that.
Lastly, Dante also discovered that Zarate was a member of a 2020 task force of “30 leading American national security and foreign policy experts” for the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), ANOTHER pro-democracy globalist DC thinktank. In their report, they advocated for more state involvement in news and social media, via enacting “guardrails around online platforms” and more collaboration with corporate media to “reinvigorate the free press”.
Further, ASD wanted Washington to “substantially increase” its investment in basic R&D, use “federal funding to incentivize private sector investment in critical technology areas, such as artificial intelligence, 5G, and quantum information science”, and thought that “the Department of Homeland Security should identify and provide support to private entities that are responsible for “systemically important critical infrastructure”.
Their task force member list below features more people who undoubtedly will end up featured as future Faces of Tyranny. Among them is Avril Haines, the task force’s co-chair, comes to mind. She became the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the deep state’s chief spy, from 2001 onwards. Hmm, how convenient is it, that Zarate’s boss ended up in a perfect position to enact the task force’s national policy proposals, just a year later? In a post-Twitter Files society, Americans have discovered that state-corporate collusion in the social media sphere is no longer an unsettling plausibility, but rather a verified agenda promoted in furtherance of the national security state’s interests, via the burgeoning censorship-industrial complex.
Any way you slice it, Zarate is a power player in the counterterrorism world who has stuck his hands in many corporate cookie jars. We suggest he REALLY should refocus his eyes on the bottom of his shoes. We know he has stepped in a 💩 lot of poop 💩 and, from what we can tell, he is stepping in more every day.
We will be keeping a close eye on him because his globalist tendencies make him a formidable foe for anyone trying to preserve America’s identity as an independent and sovereign state.
We hope you too will keep a close eye on this one after reading this article.
We believe that when “We The People” are providing the oversight of OUR government, our government works for us. When we do not, that government becomes a government “of the government, by the government, and for the government. And that type of government ONLY works for bureaucrats like Juan Zarate.
Shame all the deep state goons America and remind them they work for you. Shame on, shame on, shame on.
See the Rest of the Faces Of Tyranny by clicking here.