AMGrind Wrap Up Jan 15th: A Dream of Yesteryear Updated for Modern Times
RaffyP is in the House! He has a dream about this bloated government that many of us pray comes true.
aka ‘Patrick the smooth Raffollini’
“Good morning, it is Monday, January 15, 2024, and this is YOUR #AMGrind. My name is Patrick, and I'm your host for this Monday through Friday get your day started off right space from America Mission. I'm excited to have Ms. Carol and, I expect, Walter here with us this morning and hopefully Pat Riotism will be back with us this week. Today is a special #RecoveryMonday where we remember one of the great civil rights leaders of our time, and no, I'm not talking about Joe Biden. No, today is Martin Luther King Jr. day, and I have a dream.
But first, I want to thank everyone for joining us Friday morning. Up in the nest is the wrap up, thanks to Carol and Kelly for all their hard work putting these together. Unfortunately, shortly after our gathering, Citigroup announced 20,000 layoffs. Not sure how many of you saw that in the wider media, but it happened. And, as I have stated time and time again, this will inaugurate the mass layoffs across big corporates. I assure you the Biden administration is calling every HR department at every Fortune 500 and asking "what can we do to prevent your doing what Citigroup just did?". In the same vein, we had news out from the Biden administration that they overstated job creation in 2023 by 500,000 jobs. A little less than last year.
But while there is a lot of bad news out there, and a lot of dark clouds on the horizon:
I have a Dream. I have a dream that one day Orange Republicans, high heeled Republicans, funny named Republicans, and great governor Republicans can look at each other based on the content of their character, and not the Republican they supported.
Oh, I have a dream, that one day our government won't lie to us about economic figures nor the health of our economy or country. Oh, I have a dream.
I have a dream, that one day leaders in this nation who promise to pardon heroes like Daniel Perry will keep their promises. Yes, I have a dream.
I have a dream that one day, we won't need whistleblowers like Sonja from the Air Marshalls to come into our spaces to talk about targeting of Americans and illegal behavior by so-called "public servants". You better believe, I have a dream.
And I have a dream that one day our leaders who sacrificed their own citizenry like Gonzalo Lira to a tyrant like Zelenskyy, that they will see justice in our courts and in our society, that they will admit their faults and their lies. I have a dream today.
And finally, the late great Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had a dream that one day we would judge each other not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character. And this dream, I have seen, and we will see it again.
Today I'd like to take a minute in-between each comment and here your dreams for yourself and this nation. Because I have seen the promised land, and it is glorious, let us not forget how incredible this nation can be as a light in the darkness, as a beacon of hope, as a shining city on a hill. Let's live that, and that's what we're here to do.
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🔥 AMGrind Jan 15th 🔥
ICYMI Friday’s Wrap Up:
"Is this the "Sum of All Fears" irl?"
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Hosts’ Take-Aways from Today’s AMGrind:
(Andrew Pruyne) approx at 3:11 time mark
”Pondering our freedoms via the Constitution”(JP) Conservative Christians are ones raising the flag of MLK
They judged by character, not color
Believe all children are of God
MLK most likely would be ostracized by Democratic party, more aligned with Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson
Shared by the Hosts
JP shared
“The link below is for a group called "Indivisible" & their army of censors. This group deserves to be exposed. Their funding is suspect. I have attached a pic of training material involving X. Dirty secret: most members work for the govt.”
“Pathfinder Chronicles: Reviving the Woolly Mammoth: A Pioneering Project in Siberia”
America Mission Iowa Caucus Space 7pm est
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7am M-F with RaffyPMidDay Mission (name subject to change)
1pm T-F with various hostsLate Night Mission Control
10pm M, W, F, S with Dustin & Jenn, various cohosts
Manic Mondays
3pm with Commander ListlessThe Octagon
6pm Tuesdays 6pm with Vinnie of PSP PodcastTentative: Saturday Break Down
Time TBD (Midmorning to early afternoon)
Hosted by RaffyP, Commander Listless, various cohosts