Memorial Day: A Commemoration
Special Announcement!
Featured Article
Curated list of X-Spaces
hosted by America Mission™:
SpacesDashboard AM Collection
The AMGrind Returns May 28th
Manic Mondays will return June 3rd
The Politics of STEM
Monday at 8pm est “The Politics of STEM” is hosted by ‘JackTron Prime’: “Nintendo goes Woke:”
Click 👉🏼HERE👈🏼 to connect to X-Space!
This will be livestreamed to
AM X-Broadcast,, RUMBLE and
FYI: ‘STEM’ is a common abbreviation for four closely connected areas of study: science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
May 25th, Adam Karabachi, had Judge Joe Brown on AM Thunderdome.
We have uploaded the space recording to Rumble
(Pilled in process; need to upload in 3-parts).
Remember it’s Your Community, Your Town
Click 👉🏼HERE👈🏼 to learn more!
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recommends to follow.
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